BJP accuses Congress of agitating against the Constitution over ‘Sankalp Satyagraha

BJP accuses Congress of agitating against the Constitution over 'Sankalp Satyagraha

BJP accuses Congress of agitating against the Constitution over 'Sankalp Satyagraha

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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has criticized the Congress over its ‘Sankalp Satyagraha‘, claiming that the party is protesting against the Constitution of India and the court’s decision against Rahul Gandhi, who made controversial remarks about the entire backward community of the country. According to BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi, the Congress agitation is an “insult” to Mahatma Gandhi and is being carried out for personal reasons, unlike Satyagraha movements led by the Father of the Nation for social causes. Trivedi alleged that the Congress is showing its arrogance following Gandhi’s conviction in a defamation case in Gujarat and his automatic disqualification as a Lok Sabha MP.

Trivedi further stated that the Congress agitation has nothing to do with fighting for the truth and is a brazen display of the party’s arrogance. He pointed out that Gandhi was convicted by a court in Surat after due legal process and his disqualification as a Lok Sabha MP was an automatic consequence under the relevant law. Trivedi questioned the motive behind the Congress Satyagraha, asking if it was to justify Gandhi’s comments about the entire backward community of the country, or against the court that sentenced him, or against the provision that disqualified him from his post. He demanded that the Congress clarify its stance on the issue.

The BJP spokesperson also criticized the Congress for allegedly allowing some of its leaders who were involved in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots to participate in the party’s agitation. Trivedi questioned whether the Congress Satyagraha, held at Mahatma Gandhi‘s Samadhi Sthal in Rajghat, was also against the principle of ‘Ahinsa’ or non-violence. He accused the Congress of promoting a culture of disrespect towards the country’s institutions and Constitution, and of using Satyagraha as a tool to further its own agenda.
